Peter Frampton, circa 1972
Do you feel tired in the morning? Are your emotions uneven? Are you easily frustrated? Do you have allergies, chronic pain, headaches or skin issues? Have you lost your hair, gone gray or do you have more wrinkles than you think you should?
Americans are living to about 79 on average. But what is the quality of our life in the last five years? Our food system SUCKS. Our healthcare system promotes testing, drugs and procedures, and addresses symptoms instead of healing.

Peter Frampton, circa 2015
By examining our lifestyle, and changing it for the better, we can create health.
Take our two health tests below to learn where you stand. Then you can take steps to improve it, on your own!
Part 1: Are You Creating Health?
Please consider your past month and answer…
1. My waking and retiring energy level is:
- Very High [2 points]
- High [1 point]
- Average [0 points]
- Below Average [-1 point]
2. My flexibility when something comes up unexpectly is:
- High – Very easygoing [2 points]
- Average – Mostly easygoing [1 point]
- Below Average Sometimes fussy [0 points]
- Poor – Usually fussy [-1 point]
3. The quality of my meals has been:
- Organic, mostly vegan, homecooked [2 points]
- Sometimes organic, sometimes vegetarian [1 point]
- I cook, mostly convenience foods [0 points]
- I eat out often [-1 point]
4. My eating habits:
- Chew well, eat sitting, don’t overeat or eat near bedtime [2 points]
- Eat regularly, mostly don’t overeat [1 point]
- Sometimes eat mindlessly, or late [0 points]
- Anything goes [-1 point]
5. Violence I consume from TV, films, news, video games, arguments with friends and family:
- Rarely [2 points]
- Less than once per day [1 point]
- 1-2 times per day [0 points]
- Many times per day [-1 point]
6. Days per week I walk outside for 20+ minutes:
- Every day [2 points]
- Most days [1 point]
- 1-2 times [0 points]
- Less than once [-1 point]
10-12 points is Excellent. You are creating health. Please continue to grow as your life progresses, and assist others in need. Please retake this test each month to stay on track.
7-9 points is Good. You are holding your own. Please continue to work on this site and in your life, and assist others in need. Please retake this test each month to stay on track.
4-6 points is Fair. You are losing health momentum, but it could be worse. Please take steps to improve your health, and consider contacting David for support. retake this test each month to monitor your progress.
3 points or less is Poor. You are quickly eroding your health account. Please contact David ASAP.
Part 2: Your Condition
Are you Yin (weak, expanded, slow, unfocused) or Yang (strong,tight, fast, controlling)?
Please answer these eight questions honestly, with your last few weeks in mind.
1. When I don’t feel well emotionally, I feel:
- Anger or Stress [2 points]
- Fear or Paranoia [1 point]
- Sadness or Anxiety [0 points]
- Confusion [-1 points]
2. When I’m not well physically, it’s most often:
- Constipation [2 points]
- Back, neck or joint pain [1 point]
- Tiredness [0 points]
- Infection or loose stools [-1 point]
3. When I exercise, I usually focus on:
- Lifting Weights [2 points]
- Running or Biking [1 point]
- Swimming or Walking [0 points]
- Yoga, meditation or thai chi [-1 point]
4. I eat baked/roasted chicken, eggs, BBQ meat, deli meats, tuna fish, cheese or fast food:
- 1 or more times daily [2 points]
- 4-7 times per week [1 point]
- 2-3 times per week [0 points]
- Less than once per week [-1 point]
5. I eat ice cream, raw salad w/ broccoli/pepper/spinach, milk or chocolate:
- More than once per day [2 points]
- 4-7 times per week [1 point]
- 2-3 times per week [0 points]
- one or fewer times per week [-1 point]
6. One of my favorite foods, or perhaps my vice is:
- Meat or cheese or eggs or salty snacks [2 points]
- Toasted bagels, muffins, bread or english muffins [1 point]
- Enriched pasta [0 points]
- Sweet Desserts [-1 point]
7. My brain works like this:
- I move fast and have a quick mind [2 points]
- I move at an average speed and consider things [1 point]
- I move slowly and have trouble making decisions [0 points]
8. What season is it right now?
- Summer or late Spring [2 points]
- Early Spring or late Autumn [1 point]
- Winter [0 points]
If your total is 12-15 points, you are Yang. Please eat less animal foods and salty, baked and processed foods, and eat more root veggies, sea veggies, beans and sweet vegetables. Eat less overall. Exercise more slowly. Nature walks, meditation and yoga are suggested. You may have trouble with your liver, kidneys, pancreas, colon or sex organs, and your relationships can be tumultuous. Relieve stress with body rubs, self-massage, pets or music.
If your total is 8-11 points, you are balanced. You can still benefit by choosing organic foods, particularly for produce such as apples, grapes, lettuce and any animal foods. Chew well, and help others get to balance.
If your total is 1-7 points, you are Yin. Please eat less dairy foods, tea, sugar, fruit, and raw vegetables. Use more well cooked vegetables, sea vegetables, beans and seeds and nuts. Consider weight-bearing exercise, make sure you work at least part time, and wake up earlier.
This is for entertainment purposes only. Please consult a Macrobiotic Counselor (such as Warren Kramer, John Kozinski, Kushi Institute, Verne Varona etc.) or Medical doctor if you are experiencing symptoms.
Please contact David with questions: 508.333.4153 or info@davidsorganic.com